

I miss skeumorphism

I had an old TV lying around, so I mounted it on my wall vertically. I grew up on StatusBoard, which was especially invaluable in newsrooms in the early aughts (gotta make that number go up!).

I figured as I got deeper into self-hosting and my homelab I'd want some sort of status board so I could visualize what all was running, and partially just because everybody gets a dopamine hit from blinkenlights when they buy new stuff.

Clicking this link gives the illusion of activity

Not everything has to use the same design language! Feels like there’s a space between all and nothing. “Some.” Is that a thing? Can some things be flat and some skeuomorphic and some crazy and some Windows XP?

We can maybe skip over Aero, though. Woof.

I've recently been beefing up my homelab game, and I was having issues getting a Gotify secure websocket to connect. I love the Caddy webserver for both prod and local installs because of how easy it easy to configure.

For local installs, it defaults to running its own CA and issuing a certificate. Now, if you're only running one instance of Caddy on the same machine you're accessing, getting the certs to work in browsers is easy as running caddy trust.

But in a proper homelab scenario, you're running multiple machines (and, often, virtualized machines within those boxes), and the prospect of grabbing the root cert for each just seemed like a lot of work. At first, I tried to set up a CA with Smallstep, but was having enough trouble just getting all the various pieces figured out that figured there had to be an easier way.

There was.

I registered a domain name (penginlab.com) for $10. I set it up with an A record pointing at my regular dev server, and then in the Caddyfile gave it instructions to serve up the primary domain, and a separate instance for a wildcard domain.

When LetsEncrypt issues a wildcard domain, it uses a DNS challenge, meaning it only needs a TXT record inserted into your DNS zone to prove it should issue you the server. Assuming your registrar is among those included in the Caddy DNS plugins, you can set your server to handle that automatically.

(If your registrar is not on that list, you can always use

certbot certonly --manual

and enter the TXT record yourself. You only need to do it once a quarter.)

Now we have a certificate to use to validly sign HTTPS connections for any subdomain for penginlab.com. You simply copy down the fullchain.pem and privkey.pem files to your various machines (I set up a bash script that scps the file down to one of my local machines and then scps it out to everywhere it needs to go on the local network.)

Once you have the cert, you can set up your caddy servers to use it using the tls directive:

tls /path/to/fullchain.pem /path/to/privkey.pem

You'll also need to update your local DNS (since your DNS provider won't let you point public URLs at private IP addresses), but I assume you were doing that anyway (I personally use NextDNS for a combination of cloud-based ad-blocking and lab DNS management).

Bam! Fully accepted HTTPS connections from any machine on your network. And all you have to do is run one bash script once a quarter (which you can even throw on a cron). Would that all projects have so satisfying and simple a solution.

I'm definitely not brave enough to put it on a cron until I've run it manually at least three times, TBH. But it's a nice thought!