

I am Kaitlyn Concilio, cat-wrangler extraordinaire. Outside of work, my creative outlets are improv comedy and writing. I love to read and play video games, as well as play sports (specifically basketball and slowpitch softball).

The thing I do most often is spend time with my amazing wife, Joan. In addition to our consulting business Technical Penguins, we also started a 501(c) nonprofit, Pengins For Everyone. Through PforE, we've sent hundreds of stuffed animals (mostly penguins) to children, elderly people, and those who told us they could use a friend.

Professionally, I'm a full-stack tech lead who codes and manages teams to produce functional, readable and maintainable code. My extensive experience in healthcare and education (as well as a deep knowledge of the regulatory requirements for same) dovetail nicely with my polyglot tendencies (Typescript, Python, PHP, React, Angular, you name it). I also do a bit of conference speaking from time to time.

Want to chat? Hit me up via one of the social media platforms linked in the top nav.