Post type: Photo

Feb 22
photo posts

The way to guarantee durability and failure recovery in serverless orchestration and coordination is … a server and database in the middle of your microservices.

I’m sure it’s a great product, but come on.

Feb 10
photo posts

I think this is a symptom of wealth and age more than anything. Though it’s funny how 2/3 of those things are no longer even available for purchase

Feb 08
photo posts

At least I finished it, eventually!

Feb 06
photo posts

Better than any rubber duck I've ever met.

Jan 17
photo posts

Titan was the silliest boy, who at some point was feral and yet constantly slept like this - as if to say, "please eviscerate me." Love you, buddy. Miss you. ❤️

Aug 13
photo posts

The one "published" joke I've ever had was when I submitted a joke review for Codekit 3. Proud of it to this day, even more so because mine was the only joke that got through from the beta-testers.