Post type: Longtext

Apr 19
longtext posts

Hopefully your organization has excellent legal representation. Also hopefully, those lawyers are not spending their days watching you code. That's not going to be fun for them or you. You should absolutely use lawyers as a resource when you have questions or aren't sure if something would be covered under a specific law. But you have to know when to ask those questions, and possess enough knowledge when your application could be running afoul of some rule or another.

It's also worthwhile to your career to know these things! Lots of developers don't, and your ability to point them out and know about them will make you seem more knowledgeable (because you are!). It will also make you seem more competent and capable than another developer who does not – again, because you are! This stuff is a skillset just like knowing Django.

Let's dive in
Apr 18
longtext posts

By far, the biggest reason I see scrum failing to deliver is when the ceremonies or ideas or data generated by scrum gets used for something other than delivering value to the end users.

It’s completely understandable! Management broadly wants predictability, the ability to schedule a release months out so that marketing and sales can create content and be ready to go.

But that’s not how scrum works. Organizations are used to being able to dictate schedules for large releases of software all at once (via waterfall), and making dev deliver on those schedules. If you’re scheduling a featureset six months out, it’s almost guaranteed you’re not delivering in an agile manner.

So how do we fix scrum?

That's not REAL waterfall, it's just a babbling brook on a hill.

Mar 28
longtext posts

I grew up on Clean Code, both the book and the concept. I strove for my code to be “clean,” and it was the standard against which I measured myself.

And I don’t think I was alone! Many of the programmers I’ve gotten to know over the years took a similar trajectory, venerating CC along with Code Complete and Pragmatic Programmer as the books everyone should read.

But along the way, “clean” started to take on a new meaning. It’s not just from the context of code, either; whether in interior design or architecture or print design, “clean” started to arise as a synonym for “minimalism.”

I wanted to find an approach, a rubric, that allowed for more specificity. When I get feedback, I much prefer hearing the specific aspects that are being praised or need work on - someone telling me “that code’s clean” or not isn’t particularly actionable.

We call it CPM now

It is definitely TL, but if I had to W it, you have to R it. Or just come to one of my talks!

Mar 22
longtext posts

Solutions come in all sizes. The problem in tech (and many other industries, I presume) is that our processes and workflows are structured in such a way that the solutions for a given problem tend to be clustered around the smaller side of the scale.

Small issues have small solutions. The problem is when you don’t step back and take a bigger-picture view of the situation - do all of these disparate problems actually stem from a particular source? Very often, developers are not only encouraged but actually mandated to stick to whatever story they’re on, for fear of going out of scope.

While that might make sense from a top-down control perspective, that style of thinking tends to permeate a lot of the other work that gets done, even up to larger-scale issues. Diversity is left to HR, or to a diversity committee, to take care of. In many cases, how and where to include AI in an application is left up to individual departments or teams. Remote work, a topic extremely divisive of late, is being eliminated or limited left up to “manager discretion” rather than actually looking at the benefits and harms that are associated with it. A cause extremely close to my heart, accessibility, is frequently treated as an add-on or left up to a handful of specialists to implement (or, worse, a third-party plugin).

These things not only don’t have to, they shouldn’t be left up to small groups to implement or reason through. They should be baked-in to how your organization makes decisions, builds software and interacts with its people.

Learn about the holistic approach

I will begrudgingly admit that a 5,000+ word essay is not the most accessible form of this content for everyone. Guess you should just come to one of my talks!

Mar 05
longtext posts

You know it's a good sign when the first thing I do after finishing an article is double-check whether the whole site is some sort of AI-generated spoof. The answer on this one was closer than you might like, but I do think it's genuine.

Jakob Nielsen, UX expert, has apparently gone and swallowed the AI hype by unhinging his jaw, if the overall subjects of his Substack are to be believed. And that's fine, people can have hobbies, but the man's opinions are now coming after one of my passions, accessibility, and that cannot stand.

Get mad with me

"I always love quoting myself." - Kait

Feb 27
longtext posts

Today I want to talk about data transfer objects, a software pattern you can use to keep your code better structured and metaphorically coherent. It’s a tool that can help you stay in the logical flow of your application, making it easier to puzzle through and communicate about the code you’re writing, both to yourself and others.

The DTO is one of my go-to patterns, and I regularly implement it for both internal and external use.
I’m also aware most people already know what pure data objects are. I’m not pretending we’re inventing the wheel here - the value comes in how they’re applied, systematically.

This is a long 'un, buckle in
Feb 26
longtext posts

Honestly, I thought we were past this as an industry? But my experience at Developer Week 2024 showed me there's still a long way to go to overcoming sexism in tech.

And it came from the source I least expected; literally people who were at the conference trying to convince others to buy their product. People for whom connecting and educating is literally their job.

Time and again, both I (an engineer) and my nonbinary wife (a business analyst, at a different organization) found that the majority of the masculine-presenting folks at the booths on the expo floor were dismissive and disinterested, and usually patronizing.

Hear the tale as old as time

Also, the sheer number of static code analysis companies makes me thinks there's a consolidation incoming. Not a single one of three could differentiate their offerings on more than name and price.

Feb 06
longtext posts

As part of my plan to spend more time bikeshedding building out my web presence than actually creating content, I wanted to build an iOS app that allowed me to share short snippets of text or photos to my blog. I've also always wanted to understand Swift generally and building an iOS app specifically, so it seemed like a nice little rabbit hole.

Be wary of chasing rabbits down their holes

I later expanded the app's remit to include cross-posting to BlueSky and Mastodon, which is a double-bonus because BlueSky STILL doesn't support sharing an image from another application (possibly because they couldn't find the Medium post???)

Jan 30
longtext posts

I had an old TV lying around, so I mounted it on my wall vertically. I grew up on StatusBoard, which was especially invaluable in newsrooms in the early aughts (gotta make that number go up!).

I figured as I got deeper into self-hosting and my homelab I'd want some sort of status board so I could visualize what all was running, and partially just because everybody gets a dopamine hit from blinkenlights when they buy new stuff.

Clicking this link gives the illusion of activity

Not everything has to use the same design language! Feels like there’s a space between all and nothing. “Some.” Is that a thing? Can some things be flat and some skeuomorphic and some crazy and some Windows XP?

We can maybe skip over Aero, though. Woof.

Aug 29
longtext posts

As I was evaluating the options, in addition to the dealbreakers, I kept finding small annoyances. The backend interface was confusing, or required too many clicks to get from place to place; the speed to first paint was insane; just the time waiting for the content editor to load after I clicked it seemed interminable. At the same time, I was also going through a similarly frustrating experience with cloud music managers, each with a vital missing feature or that implemented a feature in a wonky way.

Then I had an epiphany: Why not just build my own?

Wait, I bet there's a catch!

I set out to build my own CMS in an attempt to circumvent some of the problems I'd had with others in the past. I wound up inventing a whole new set of problems! What a neat idea.

Jul 21
longtext posts

Thus was born Newslurp. It's not pretty. I will 100% admit that. The admin interface can be charitably described as "synthwave brutalist." That's because you really shouldn't spend any time there. The whole point is to set it up once and never have to touch the thing again. The interface really only exists so that you can check to see if a specific newsletter was processed.

It's not perfect. There are some newsletters that depend on a weirdly large amount of formatting, and more that have weird assumptions about background color. I've tried to fix those as I saw them, but there are a lot more mistakes out there than I could ever fix. Hopefully they include a "view in browser" link.

We should all aspire to be called "synthwave brutalist"

Loogit me, building the Substack app 3 years too early. And without the infrastructure. OK, I built an RSS feed. But I still saw the newsletter boom coming!

Jun 09
longtext posts

We got past it (and got the API into core, where it has been [ab]used by Automattic), but it left a sour taste in my mouth. WordPress development was supposed to be community-driven, and indeed though it likely would not exist in its current state without Automattic's help, neither would Automattic have been able to do it all on its own. But the community was shut out of the decision-making process, a feeling we would get increasingly familiar with.

A mostly-fond farewell

A farewell to a CMS that taught me how to program, and eventually how to know when it's time to move on.

Oct 16
longtext posts

The WordPress REST API is the future! This is something many of us have been saying/believed for about two years, but the future is now! Kind of. The REST API has (finally) been approved for merge into WordPress 4.7, meaning it will be available for use by everyone without requiring a plugin, as has been the case up to this point. Even without the official recognition (and with a not-small barrier to entry), lots of people and companies have done some pretty amazing things with the REST API. So I thought we'd look into the things people have done to get ideas for what the API will be useful for, and other ideas that might be best solved other ways.

It was the future, but also it wasn't?

Oh wow, young Kait had a lot more faith in the WordPress ecosystem than was warranted.

Jul 31
longtext posts

The story is whatever the story is. By printing a story in the newspaper, airing it on your broadcast network or pushing it to your audience via Facebook, your website, YouTube, etc., the publisher/creator is saying “This is a thing that is worthy of attention.” Especially if you’re not going to put any effort into context (which is what a retweet is), you’re explicitly stating to your audience that this is a thing they should know about. In an “attention economy,” with a surfeit of content and not enough eyeballs, getting someone to look at you goes a big way toward your winning (whatever it is you’re trying to win).

But you should definitely point your eyeballs at THIS content, it's OK, trust me

Haha, remember when we assumed Trump wasn't a white supremacist? Simpler times.

Jul 13
longtext posts

The clichéd technical model of “move fast and break things” should have some limits, and situations where people are dying need more foresight than “we’ll figure it out as we go along.” Otherwise, how do we determine the appropriate death toll for a new tech service before it needs to ask permission rather than forgiveness? And before you dismiss that question as overbearing/hysterical, remember that actual human beings have already died.

Tech continues to eat the entire world. Maybe we should try not that?

One of my pet peeves is when people/corporations speak as there's a legal right to a use a given business model. "Well, if it were illegal to train AIs on copyrighted material, we wouldn't be able to afford to do it!" Yes ... and?

Nov 30
longtext posts

Historical figures and events are never as black and white as they’re presented in history classes. Shades of gray exist everywhere, just as they do in your everyday life. We present them simplistically for a variety of reasons, but nobody’s perfect.

So what do we do with Wilson? It’s never wrong to have a debate, to illuminate the issues of the past and the present. As to whether the name gets removed ... meh? Honestly, if the students are the ones who have to use it and they care so much, why not change it?

How many shades of gray can there possibly be? 35? 40? 45?

And this was before JK Rowling went full TERF!

Oct 13
longtext posts

The proper way most systems should be set up for, say, a medical insurance claim is that you fill out everything electronically so the data is in the right place and then an actual human can make an actual human judgment on your case. In practice, however, you fill out the form and the information whisks away to be judged by a computer using a predetermined set of rules.

If you're very, very lucky, there might be a way for you to appeal the computer's ruling to a human being (regardless of outcome/reason) — but even then, that person's power is often limited to saying, "well, the computer said you don't pass."

I bet this is a story where the computer says "no"

AI will definitely fix all of this. One of my favorite go-to lines whenever I encounter a dumb bug or computer doing something stupid is, "but we should definitely let computers drive cars by themselves."

Sep 22
longtext posts

For the first few games I played, it was interesting watching the different skill levels (from brand new or just-out-of-single-player to pretty skilled players) interact with one another fairly frictionlessly. There'd be some frustrating boneheaded moves that might cost you a match, but it generally appeared to just be accepted as part of playing on a randomized team. When I played yesterday, though, things seemed to be getting ugly.

The first two matches went fine — a win, a loss. Then I got a string where I was teamed up with what one can uncharitably describe as spoiled babies.

Find out who can out-petulant who!

a) It was definitely petulant, and b) imagine thinking anyone wants to read about you playing videogames poorly??

Oct 10
longtext posts

It's always a good idea to test your code — and I did. I swear.

My problem did not lie in a lack of testing, but rather a lack of testing using real numbers or real data. For readability purposes, the election results data numbers are formatted with a comma separating every 3 numbers, much in the way numbers always are in non-financial or -computer contexts (e.g., 1,000, 3,334,332).

That's still a lack of testing

I thought I was soooo smart linking to everything, except now all the links are dead and useless.

Oct 03
longtext posts

There is one thing that any aspiring programmer must realize when they set out to replace a tool: YOU CAN'T REPLACE A TOOL AT THE HEART OF A MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION ON YOUR OWN. I knew this academically but, as is often the case when setting out on these adventures, my brain chose to heed that advice only when it was convenient to do so.

I often live by the mantra, "If someone else can do it, that means it's possible." It works well something like 75 percent of the time — it prevents me from feeling daunted when facing large projects, but it can be turned around as well.

Listen to your programming brain, not your programming heart

10 years later, the projects for the GameTimePA URLs are still live and running, but the main newspaper's domain isn't. But they're pointing to the same server!