See Kait talk - August 2024

Apr 24
text posts

An image promoting my improv for developers workshop at Beer City CodeSadly, I had to cancel my talks at both concerences due to a back injury. Hopefully I'll be able to get back out there once it's all healed up.

I'm headed back to the Midwest to do some speakerizing again in August 2024.

Beer City Code 24 is in Grand Rapids, MI, on Aug 2-3. I'm super excited to present a workshop, Improv for Developers, which is where we'll do actual improv training and then talk about how those skills translate to software development. It's 6 hours (!!), but it should be a lot of fun!

I'll also talk about greenfield development: specifically, that it doesn't really exist anymore. There are always preexisting considerations you're going to have to take into account, so I'll give some hard-won tips on sussing them out.

DevUp will be held in St. Louis on Aug. 14-16. I'll be talking about greenfields again, as well as reasons scrum-based development tends to fail, and how we can measure developer productivity.

Hope to see you this summer!


YES, AND you also have to write documentation or no one will know what the hell you were thinking when you wrote it.