On my own: Building LinkCMS

Aug 29
longtext posts

Note: This site now runs on Statamic

I knew I needed a new website. My go-to content management system was no longer an option, and I investigated some of the most popular alternatives. The first thing to do, as with any project, was ascertain the requirements. My biggest concerns were a) ability to create posts and pages, b) image management, and c) easy to use as a writer and a developer (using my definition of easy to use, since it was my site).

I strongly considered using Drupal, since that's what we (were, until a month ago) going to use at work, but it seemed like a lot of work and overhead to get the system to do what I wanted it to. I (briefly) looked at Joomla, but it too seemed bloated with a fairly unappealing UI/UX on the backend. I was hopeful about some of the Laravel CMSes, but they too seemed to have a bloated foundation for my needs.

I also really dug into the idea of flat-file CMSes, since most (all) of my content is static, but I legitimately couldn't find one that didn't require a NodeJS server. I don't mind Node when it's needed, but I already have a scripting language (PHP) that I was using, and didn't feel like going through the hassle of getting a Node instance going as well.

(Later on I found KirbyCMS, which is probably what I'm going to try for my next client or work project, but I both found it too late in the process and frankly didn't want to lose out on the satisfaction of getting it running when I was ~80% of the way done.)

As I was evaluating the options, in addition to the dealbreakers, I kept finding small annoyances. The backend interface was confusing, or required too many clicks to get from place to place; the speed to first paint was insane; just the time waiting for the content editor to load after I clicked it seemed interminable. At the same time, I was also going through a similarly frustrating experience with cloud music managers, each with a vital missing feature or that implemented a feature in a wonky way.

Then I had an epiphany: Why not just build my own?

I know, I know. It's a tired developer cliche that anything Not Built Here is Wrong. But as I thought it over more, the concept intrigued me. I wasn't setting out to replace WordPress or Drupal or one of the heavy-hitters; I just wanted a base to build from that would allow me to create posts, pages, and maybe some custom ideas later down the road (links with commentary; books from various sources, with reviews/ratings). I would be able to keep it slim, as I didn't have to design for hundreds of use cases. Plus, it would be an excellent learning opportunity, that would allow me to delve deeply into how other systems work and how I might improve upon them (for my specific use case; I make no claim I can do it better than anyone else).

Besides, how long could it take?

Four months later, LinkCMS is powering this website. It's fast and light, it can handle image uploads, it can create pages and posts ... mostly. Hey, it fulfills all the requirements!

Don't get me wrong, it's still VERY MUCH a beta product. I am deep in the dogfooding process right now (especially with some of the text editing, which I'll get into below), but I cannot describe the satisfaction of being able to type in the URL and see the front end, or log in to the backend and make changes, and know that I built it from the ground-up.

LinkCMS is named after its mascot (and, she claims, lead developer), Admiral Link Pengin, who is the best web developer (and admiral) on our Technical Penguins team.

I don't want to go through the whole process in excruciating detail, both because that'd be boring and because I don't remember everything with that many details anyway. I do, however, want to hit the highlights.

  • Flight is a fantastic PHP routing framework. I've used it for small projects in the past, and it was pretty much a no-brainer when I decided I wanted to keep things light and simple. It can get as complicated as you want, but if you browse through the codebase you'll see that it's fairly basic, both for ease of understand and because it was easier to delete and edit routes as separate items.

  • LinkCMS uses the Twig templating system, mostly because I like the syntax.

  • The above two dependencies are a good example of a core principle I tried to keep to: Only use libraries I actually need, and don't use a larger library when a smaller one will do. I could have thrown together a whole CMS in Laravel pretty quickly, or used React or Vue for the front end, but it would have come at the expense of stability and speed, as well as (for the latter two) a laborious build process.

  • I don't hate everything about WordPress! I think block-based editing is a great idea, so this site is built on (custom) blocks. My aim is to have the content be self-contained in a single database row, built around actual HTML if you want to pull it out.

  • One of my favorite features is a Draft Content model. With most CMSes, once a page is published, if you make any changes and save them, those changes are immediately displayed on the published page. At best, you can make the whole post not published and check it without displaying the changes to the public. LinkCMS natively holds two copies of the content for all posts and pages - Draft and Published. If you publish a page, then make edits and save it, those changes are saved to the Draft content without touching the Published part. Logged-in users can preview the Draft content as it will look on the page. Once it's ready, you can Publish the page (these are separate buttons, as seen in the screenshots) for public consumption. Think of it as an integrated staging environment. On the roadmap is a "revert" function so you can go back to the published version if you muck things up too much.

  • One of the things that was super important to me was that everything meet WCAG AA accessibility. Making this a goal significantly limited my options when it came to text editors. There are a few out there that are accessible, but they are a) huge (like, nearly half a megabyte of more, gzipped) and b) much more difficult to extend in the ways I wanted to. Again, with a combination of optimism (I can learn a lot by doing this!) and chutzpah (this is possible!), I decided to write my own editor, Hat (named after Link's penguin, Hat, who wears the same hat as the logo).
    I'm really pleased with how the Hat editor turned out, though it does still have some issues I discovered while building this site that are in desperate need of fixing (including if you select text and bold it, then immediately try to un-bold it, it just bolds the whole paragraph). But I'm extremely proud to say it that both HatJS and LinkCMS are 100% WCAG AA 2.1 accessible, to the best of my knowledge.

  • Since I was spending so much time on it, I wanted to make sure I could use LinkCMS for future projects while still maintaining the ability to update the core without a lot of complicated git-ing or submodules. I structured the project so that core functionality lives in the primary repo, and everything else (including pages and posts) live in self-contained Modules (let's be real, they're plugins, but it's my playground, so I get to name the imaginary territory). This means you can both update core and modules, AND you only need to have those components included that you're actually using.

  • I used a modified Model-View-Controller architecture: I call the pieces Models, Controllers and Actors. Models and Controllers do what you'd expect. Actors are what actually make changes and make things work. It's easier for me to conceptualize each piece rather than using "View" as the name, which to my mind leaves a lot of things out. I'm aware of the MVAC approach, and I suppose technically the templates are the View, but I lumped the routes and templating in under Actors (Route and Display, accordingly), and it works for me.

I don't think LinkCMS is in a state where someone else could install it right now. (For starters, I'm fairly certain I haven't included the basic SQL yet.) The code is out there and available, and hopefully soon I can get it to a presentable state.

But the end goal of all this was, again, not to be a CMS maven challenging the incumbents. I wanted to learn more about how these systems work (the amount of insight I gained into Laravel through building my own is astounding, to me), and craft a tool that allows me to build small sites and projects, on my own terms, with minimal dependencies and maximum stability.

Mission accomplished.

I set out to build my own CMS in an attempt to circumvent some of the problems I'd had with others in the past. I wound up inventing a whole new set of problems! What a neat idea.