Deep Thoughts with Josh Heytvelt

Jun 07
text posts

I realize that former Gonzaga basketball player Josh Heytvelt was trying to give a heartfelt interview and express his remorse over being arrested for possession of 'shrooms, but there's a reason why athletes usually have people talk for them. This quote is why:

Heytvelt was ordered to do 240 hours of community service. He did more than 300, working primarily with terminally ill children at a Ronald McDonald House. "That really made me think that those kids aren't choosing to have cancer. They're given that," Heytvelt said. "I realized I had made some really bad choices and that really made me think about every choice I made from then on out."

Two questions: Did Heytvelt previously think those children had chosen to have cancer, and who did he think gave it to them?


I still think the kids wouldn't have minded some pyschedelics.