A Vision for the future

Jan 19
link posts
Apple Vision Pro hands-on, again, for the first time - The Verge

Apple Vision Pro hands-on, again, for the first time - The Verge

Apple keeps emphasizing that the Vision Pro isn’t meant to isolate you from the rest of the world, and the display on the front of the headset is designed to keep you connected to others.

I don't care if it isolates me? I don't want to be wearing it constantly, anyway.

If I'm perfectly honest, the killer VR app for me is working. If I can use a head-mounted display for a large screen for an existing computer (and get rid of the gigantic monitors of my workstation / use them when working away from home), I'm in.

Just ... not for $3.5K.


I mean, I would also probably play games on it, but not dramatically more than I do now (which is maybe 1-2 hours a week across all platforms, if I'm lucky?)